fsrx | Flow state reading in the terminal | |
gdome2 | Gnome DOM (Document Object Model) engine | |
git-delta | Viewer for git and diff output | |
glimpse | Text search engine | |
glow | Render markdown on the CLI | |
gnome-dictionary | GNOME application to look up definitions | |
go-md2man | Converts markdown into roff (man pages) | |
go-mmark | Powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF | |
grep | GNU grep | |
grepcidr | Filter IP addresses matching IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR specification | |
groff | GNU roff text processing suite | |
groonga | Fulltext search engine and column store | |
gsed | GNU implementation of sed, the POSIX stream editor | |
gspell | Spell checking API for GTK+ applications | |
gtk-doc | Tools for authors of the GTK+ reference documentation | |
gtkspell | Spell checking GtkTextView widget (v2) | |
gtkspell3 | Spell checking GtkTextView widget (v3) | |
guile-commonmark | Implementation of CommonMark for Guile | |
guile-json | JSON module for Guile | |
guile-syntax-highlight | General-purpose syntax highlighting library for GNU Guile | |
gutcheck | Text checker specialized in reporting problems spellcheckers overlook | |
GutenMark | Automatic, high-quality Gutenberg text formatter to LaTeX or HTML | |
GutenMark-words | Word lists for GutenMark | |
halibut | Documentation production system | |
hck | Sharp cut(1) clone | |
heirloom-awk (V) | Collection of standard Unix utilities (awk) | |
heirloom-bdiff | Collection of standard Unix utilities (bdiff) | |
heirloom-bfs | Collection of standard Unix utilities (bfs) | |
heirloom-col | Collection of standard Unix utilities (col) | |
heirloom-comm | Collection of standard Unix utilities (comm) | |
heirloom-cut | Collection of standard Unix utilities (cut) | |
heirloom-diff3 | Collection of standard Unix utilities (diff3) | |
heirloom-doctools | Modernized troff implementation | |
heirloom-ed | Collection of standard Unix utilities (ed) | |
heirloom-fmt | Collection of standard Unix utilities (fmt) | |
heirloom-fold | Collection of standard Unix utilities (fold) | |
heirloom-grep | Collection of standard Unix utilities (grep) | |
heirloom-head | Collection of standard Unix utilities (head) | |
heirloom-join | Collection of standard Unix utilities (join) | |
heirloom-line | Collection of standard Unix utilities (line) | |
heirloom-nl | Collection of standard Unix utilities (nl) | |
heirloom-paste | Collection of standard Unix utilities (paste) | |
heirloom-pg | Collection of standard Unix utilities (pg) | |
heirloom-pr | Collection of standard Unix utilities (pr) | |
heirloom-sdiff | Collection of standard Unix utilities (sdiff) | |
heirloom-sed | Collection of standard Unix utilities (sed) | |
heirloom-tail | Collection of standard Unix utilities (tail) | |
heirloom-tr | Collection of standard Unix utilities (tr) | |
heirloom-ul | Collection of standard Unix utilities (ul) | |
heirloom-uniq | Collection of standard Unix utilities (uniq) | |
heirloom-wc | Collection of standard Unix utilities (wc) | |
helpdeco | Windows .hlp to .rtf converter | |
hevea | LaTeX to HTML translator | |
hfstospell | HFST spell checker library and command line tool | |
hgrep | Grep with human-friendly search output | |
hiawatha (V) | Advanced and secure webserver | |
highlight | Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting | |
highway | High performance source code search tool | |
hre | Hangeul Regular Expression Library | |
hs-annotated-wl-pprint | Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support | |
hs-ansi-wl-pprint | Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output | |
hs-appar | Simple applicative parser | |
hs-attoparsec | Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text | |
hs-attoparsec-aeson | Parsing of aeson's Value with attoparsec | |
hs-attoparsec-iso8601 | Parsing of ISO 8601 dates, originally from aeson | |
hs-blaze-html | Blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell | |
hs-blaze-markup | Blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell | |
hs-boxes | 2D text pretty-printing library | |
hs-case-insensitive | Case insensitive string comparison | |
hs-cassava | CSV parsing and encoding library | |
hs-cassava-megaparsec | Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava | |
hs-cgrep | Context-aware grep for source codes | |
hs-charset | Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries | |
hs-cheapskate | Experimental markdown processor | |
hs-citeproc | Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles | |
hs-clay | CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell | |
hs-cmark-gfm | Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer | |
hs-commonmark | Pure Haskell commonmark parser | |
hs-commonmark-extensions | Pure Haskell commonmark parser - extensions | |
hs-commonmark-pandoc | Bridge between commonmark and pandoc AST | |
hs-css-text | CSS parser and renderer | |
hs-csv | CSV loader and dumper | |
hs-Diff | Diff algorithm in pure Haskell | |
hs-diff3 | Perform a 3-way difference of documents | |
hs-djot | Parser and renderer for djot light markup syntax | |
hs-doclayout | Prettyprinting library for laying out text documents | |
hs-doctemplates | Pandoc-style document templates | |
hs-edit-distance | Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances | |
hs-fuzzy | Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search | |
hs-Glob | Globbing library | |
hs-gridtables | Parser for reStructuredText-style grid tables | |
hs-haddock-library | Library exposing some functionality of Haddock | |
hs-hscolour | Colourise Haskell code | |
hs-hslua-module-doclayout | Lua module wrapping Text.DocLayout | |
hs-hslua-module-text | Lua module for text | |
hs-HsYAML | Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor | |
hs-HsYAML-aeson | JSON to YAML Adapter | |
hs-html | HTML combinator library | |
hs-hxt | Collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell | |
hs-hxt-charproperties | Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode |